Fairway is taking part in the 2019 CANstruction Competition this year benefiting the Northshore Food Bank located in Covington, Louisiana.
The Northshore Food Bank serves approximately one million pounds of food annually to households in St. Tammany and Washington Parishes including over 2,000 households and 4,576 people last year alone. The Northshore Food Bank also partners with other non-profits such as NAMI, Safe Harbor, Family Promise, and Camp NORA.
Our CAN structure will be created with over 2,000 canned goods, and will be available for display at the Northshore Food Bank from October 8th through October 31st. Our goal is to raise $3,000 to help offset the cost of purchasing the canned good used to build our CAN structure. Names of companies/individuals that provide donations will be included on a display sign by our CAN structure. Please consider making a monetary donation to support this great cause.